Help us grow – Donate today!

Your donation makes a difference in the lives of listeners and art lovers like you, as well as teachers and their students, community and professional musicians and creative artists, and those who seek refreshment and revitalization through the arts.

Please Make Your Tax-deductible Contribution Now!

Fiscal Sponsor: The Partners in Education Foundation for the Santa Fe Public Schools is the 501(c)(3) Fiscal Sponsor of Opus OP Arts and Education Programs. Your charitable donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

You can donate by check or online, please read the instructions below carefully. Thank you!


1. Make your check payable to Partners in Education Foundation for the Santa Fe Public Schools.
Please note that the entire name is required!

2. IMPORTANT: Write Opus OP in the memo line on the bottom left of the check.

3. Mail your check to:
Partners in Education
PO Box 23374
Santa Fe, NM 87502


Click the link below to go to the Opus OP Donation Page.

Please note: a credit card processing fee of 2.5% plus 30¢ will automatically be added to your donation. If you would like to avoid this fee you can donate by check (instructions above).

Thank you so much for your generosity!

Photo credits: Katie Harlow, Jerry Weimer, and Carla Kountoupes, photo by Oliver Prezant. Oliver Prezant and guitarist Roberto Capocchi working with Kindergarten students, photo by Deanne Velasquez. Professional Development workshop with Santa Fe Public Schools band teachers: photo by Dhamaris Mendez. Footer: Prelude Talk at The Santa Fe Opera, photo by Ruthanne Greeley.